Welcome Fall

As we see summer passing before our eyes, autumn slowly emerges. Cooler days and nights remind us of whats ahead. In Chinese Medicne this time is called the Transition Season. This fith season is comprised of two weeks between each of the four seasons of the year. This is the time when our bodies becon us to sleep more, rest more, eat wisely, and quiet within. Massage, Healing Stone Massage, and Shiatsu are wonderful ways to move easily from one season to the next. Prepare yourself for the season ahead. Add hot tub or infrared sauna to any treatmeant.

October Specials:
One Hour Massage $10.00 Off

Healing Stone Massage $15.00 Off

As Always you are invited to join us for Monday evening Gentle Yoga, 6:00- 7:30pm ~ $15.00 per class